Sermon Notes
Download a copy of the sermon notes with Scripture (NKJV) here:
011424-- "The Mountain of the Lord's House"
020424-- "Living Under Kingdom Law?"
021124-- "Kingdom Festivals & Sacrifices"
031724-- "The End / The Beginning"
033124--"A New Lease on Life!"
050524--"Heaven's To-Do List?"
051224--"The Jerk and His Wise Wife"
081824--"Dying, Yet Living By Faith"
090124--"Focus on the Eternal"
090824--"Answering God's Call?"
092224--"Our 'Know-It-All' God!"
092924--"Here! There! Everywhere!"
122924-- "Living Life to the Max"
010525--"Prepared for Christ's Return"
011225--"Invasion of Israel by Gog and Magog"
Dispensational View of World History